Atheist fundamentalism is a possibility
I am not a proponent of relgion, I am not even religiously religious, I do believe in God though. I have nothing against atheism or atheists either. I strongly believe that athieists, like everyone else, have the right to believe what they want to. What I take exception to is when they blatantly try to deny me my right to believe or try to prove to me that they are somehow intellectually better off by not believeing in GOD. In their bid to badmouth religion some of them outdo the religious extremists, e.g. A noted Canadian atheist, psychiatrist and humanist Wendell Watters in his book 'Deadly Doctrine' writes :
"...religion - especially Christianity - hurts children's psychological development and thereby leads to mental health problems in society..... Christian church has formulated rigid sexual roles, forbidding all practices not leading directly to conception. By actually promoting sexual ignorance and irresponsibility, Christianity has allowed the proliferation of such social ills as rape, child molestation, and pornography....."
Generally athiests show no respect for religion or for those who follow a certain faith. They constantly, some explicitly and some through their inexplicit ways, try to reject god and convince that there is no god and that is truth. To me, this makes them no different from missionaries. They behave as if they own science and proclaim that "there is no Scientific evidence that god exists". Well may be Science is not advance enough (not yet) to tell that to us.We dont really know. Recently one of the prominent atheists of England Prof Antony Flew conceded :-
"...DNA research has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce life, that intelligence must have been involved........I'm thinking of a God very different from the God of the Christian and far and away from the God of Islam..."
In the aftermath of his atheist life Mr. Flew had to face lot of flak from various atheist groups. If we look at the history, there have been many instances of atheist fundamentalism e.g. Ba'ath Party regime in Iraq and its leader Saddam Hussain's rise to the power in Iraq was almost on atheist principles, Enver Hoxha who ruled Albania in Stalinsque style, Mao and Stalin just to name a few.
Like most religious people Athiests also want to bring up their children as athiest, marry their kids to athiests and are paranoid about the thought of creationism and Intelligent Design being taught in schools. Dont get me wrong, I am a great believer in science and I would never underestimate its power, importance and what it has to offer to this world, I dont advocate teachings of creationisms at the expense of evolution either although I dont have problem with creationist theory being taught in parellel with evolution . Anyways, I am quiet puzzled by the perseverance of atheists, why not educate your kids about everything and give them the freedom to decide like your religious parents did to you. How is it different from religious parents raising their kids as Hindus/Muslims ? Why cant atheists be happy with what they believe in ? I am not saying that all atheists are fundamentalists , but just like there are religious extremists, ethnic extremists, it is possible to have atheist who are extremists.
They also dont have to force their intellectual supremacy upon those who believe in faith and existence of God by coming up with silly arguments like Einstien, Edison, Ford etc were all athiests. Well what about rest of the world. I feel like telling them about the 'Newton and the Atheist' story but I just dont want to spoil their happiness. I want to respect their opinions and I am somewhat religious. :-)
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